OK. So, I'm a little behind in updating my posts.
Suffice it to say there will be several postings
in the next couple of weeks that will get us all
up to date.
Today I want to tell you about a personal victory.
A couple of weeks ago I ran my first foot race!
That's right, me. The girl who gets a stitch in her
side just running for the phone.
I participated in a local event called the Moonlight Chase.
It was a four-mile race through the town of Eldridge, IA.
Since this is an evening event the course was strewn with
lanterns, luminaries and lots of folks coming out to cheer
the runners on - sometimes in costume!
Anyhoo, I did it. I completed the race with enough energy
to sprint across the finish line with a group of friends
cheering me on - yeah team me!
I made it in 41 min 25 sec. Can you dig it?
If you don't beleive me go to http://www.moonlightchase.com