Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Happy trails

Every time I go to Colorado I don’t want to come back.  I'm happy there.

The people, the mountains, (yes, legal marijuana is enticing as well but it’s not a deal closer) the very air seems to resonate with a quiet excitement.  I start getting excited when the mountains first come into view - usually somewhere around Sterling.  I’m never in a hurry to get anywhere because every mile of road looks out on a landscape bordered by beauty.

A friend was having a “Location Birthday” and since The Girlfriend FiancĂ© and I usually vacation/gig in CO it was an easy decision to join our friends for a week of celebrating, hiking, dining, antiquing, sight-seeing, music and discovery.

One thing I discovered was a hash-tag called #100HappyDays and thought that our trip to CO would be a good place to start 100 days of happy.  I’m only a few days into it and, frankly, it’s not hard to find something to be happy about every day.  So far, the hardest thing for me to do is to remember to write it down/send it out.  (I've been posting it to my Facebook page)

As some of you may know, I am not the most (squirrel!) focused person so having any kind of routine can be quite a daunting task.  For example; I’ve been making The FiancĂ©’s lunch, Monday-Friday, for almost 10 years and I still sometimes forget to pack a fork... or the entree.

So, this is my chance – to challenge myself to focus on a task that encourages me to find my “happy” every day and share it with all of you.  And maybe it’ll encourage you to find your “happy”, too.