Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Monday, November 20, 2006


Boo and i just got back from a whirlwind trip to O-H - - I-O!
And as soon as we get back from our whirlwind trip to Florida we'll tell you all about it!

But for today I'd just like to remember to give thanks to the winds of fortune that have allowed me to be doing the one thing I love to do - music!
I've met so many wonderful people over the miles and am grateful to everyone for the joy you've brought into my life and, hopefully, I've brought a little into yours.

This holiday has little to do with a legendary dinner and everything to do with all of us taking a moment to cherish the friends and family we have and to acknowledge the joy that each day promises.

Be hopeful. Be joyful. Be thankful.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

First of all I would like to remind everyone to !!VOTE!! next Tuesday.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog...

Happy Samhain
Blessed All Soul's
Feliz Dia de los Muertos
Penny for the Guy!
Welcome to November!

Hope this time of change finds you well and in good spirits! (hee-hee)

My world has changed over the last 2 years and I find myself in a different kind of reality. Finding my own way in a new world much like the spirits that walked the earth for one night - finding their homes gone or changed, the familiar streets turned into highways, and the landscape ever changing.

What is usually a festive holiday for me filled with decorations, parties and costumes is replaced by a city that tells you what day and time Halloween will be celebrated. So, I found myself at a gig on the night the city designated for trick or treating.
...and all I got was this rock...

I did get to dress up one night - you know how I love to play dress up!
Threw on my best "old man" face and fright wig and headed out to the bar Saturday night with friends - most of whom were wearing plastic boobs.

I love that mask because it's so life-like so, I mill around the bar talking to strangers and friends and most haven't a clue who I am or find themselves looking away from the mask so they can talk to "Lojo" without talking to some old-fart-long-haired-hippie-freak.

Since I could look forward to a quiet night on Halloween (all our trick-or-treaters had come by the night before to an empty house - so they stole our pumpkins) I spent the holiday with a more retrospective approach.

I thought of those loved ones lost to me over the years whether through death or circumstance and remembered their smiles, laughter, grace and presence in my life.
It was good to remember. I miss you all.

Something/Someone ate my soul-cake.