I was on the road for 2 weeks and I've got lots to tell you about.
It all started when my friend Carolyn suggested that I come to Seattle to do a few shows with her up in the Northwest.
After a few weeks we had the shows set up and I was ready to roll!
The one thing about being an independent musician: vacation time is all the moments in between your gigs when you visit with friends and family.
Since I was headed west I thought i'd see some of both.
My first stop was Denver to see my friend Inger and her daughter Evie.
These are 2 of the hippest chicks I know. Evie's motto is: "Different is cool!" Inger currently sports her daughter's masterpieces on her upper arms - giving her the distinction of "coolest mom award".
Between Davenport and Denver you either start noticing the world around you or Nebraska will suck out your brains.
My first LOL was a semi-trailer's grill that read "HOOF
Yeah... it took me awhile, too.
Then there was the world's largest butt crack in Ogallala - no lie, that thing went on for days. Somewhere along the Continental Divide I saw a rainbow in a cloud - the cool thing was the cloud was only about 6 feet off the ground.
One of my favorite sights was in Utah - 3 young elk watching the sun come up, just standing there, as if stuck in the world's largest headlight.
The next night I drove to Reno and stayed with my sister and her husband. Sherry's a great sister and Scott always has some new toy to show me - he's into VW's and guitars - my kind of guy...if I was into guys :)
It was 5am when I left Reno and as I passed over the border Mr. Boo and I were struck by the beauty and horror of a wild fire. It had been mostly controlled by then but in the grey, smokey dawn it was still very awesome.
I spent the weekend with my Dad and his wife and took my girlfriend to places she'd never been like Carmel to rub elbows with the other chi-chi tourists, Capitola for a marguerita the size of our head and of course San Fransisco with Pier 39 and it's sea-lions, Ghiradelli Square and it's chocolates, Castro and it's very "happy" denizons and my personal favorite, Haight-Ashbury and it's ever-present hippies. Lunch in the Haight with 2 high-school friends made my weekend complete.

With the holiday weekend over I high-tailed it north only stopping briefly in Portland to see my old friends Ken & Kari just long enough to say hello, down a shot of congac and pass out on their couch from exhaustion.
I arrived in Seattle on Wednesday and that's the last time I had any time to myself. Carolyn and I rehearsed and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with our hosts that first day. We spent the next afternoon preparing for our first show and stocking up on musical supplies. I introduced her to Peet's coffee (not easy to do to a Seattle-Starbuck) she introduced me to Dusty Strings and I introduced myself to the troll!
Then came the shows; boom. boom. boom. one after the other. From Friday to Sunday Carolyn and I slept all of about 10 hours. After our gig Friday night (Sirens! yeah, baby!!) we stayed with some great people in Port Townsend (Hi Jim, Kathleen and Dorian!) then Saturday morning took the ferry back to Seattle where we went straight to our afternoon show in Redmond (Soulfood Books rocks!!) then off to our evening show in Duvall (P&G makes an awesome shrimp linguini!!) then high-tailed it back to Seattle to catch Ken and Peter's final set at Kells after which we rushed back to our base camp to get a few hours shut-eye before getting ready for our church service gig.
WHEW!!!! now that's what I call touring :)
I said goodbye to Carolyn and tiredly made my way home. On the way I stopped in Billings to catch up with my friend Rachel and then kept on trucking. The only thing I remember seeing on the way home was these enormous dinosaur poop-like rocks in South Dakota. I spent the night with my new friend Lisa who provided me with a warm bed, a full night's sleep, a hot shower and a bag lunch for my ride home. Thanks Lisa!
there's no place like home...