Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Thursday, September 06, 2007

What I did this Summer
By Lojo Russo - Grade umpteenth

My summer was a lot of fun.
I saw many places and people and friends.
My favorite part was, well, ALL OF IT!

Whew, so we get back from Colorado and BOOM it's time for the annual Bix 7 run.
(that's me - the one who's a bit camera shy)

For those of you keeping track I ran 7 miles in 77min27sec :)

Then it was off to Waterloo Iowa for the first annual Iowa Irish Fair!
My old friend Peter Yeats was playing the fair as well and its fair to say we got "pissed" that night. Note to self just cuz you drink with an Irishman doesn't mean you can drink like an Irishman.

With barely a breath in-between me and my entourage hightailed it down to St. Louis and Novaks where they serve up good beer, good karaoke and one hecuva good time.

Finally - I was off to Minnesota. I had a couple of shows but I made sure there was enough time to visit friends at the Renaissance Festival. Say Hello Boys!

Of course, no summer is complete without a Pronto Pup at the State Fair with my best bud, Sue.
Now that's what I call a summer!!