Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Monday, February 11, 2013

No turning back...

A couple of weeks ago I was up in Minneapolis to lay down some guitar tracks for the new album.

It’s been awhile since I’ve been in studio and I was very happy with what we accomplished.  So far things are sounding great if I do say so myself…and so does my producer.  That’s the thing – this time around I’m using a producer.

First day in studio was so successful that we didn’t need a second so I kept myself busy with the usual 'find-a-gig-be-a-rockstar' business.  The rest of the week was punctuated by gathering with friends to play a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity, enjoying the company of my hosts, John and Karrin and going on a dog walk with my friend Sue D. and my dog Willow then topping it all off with one helluva great show at Merlin’s Rest.  I can’t thank everyone enough for showing up on such a cold, friggin’ night to share in a little drink and song – ThankYou!ThankYou!ThankYou!

I arrived to Minneapolis in a literal fog and left on a bright, crisp winter day.  How apropos.