Out like a ...what... maybe, rhinoceros?
To all my friends across the country I hope you all have been safe and warm/dry/hydrated this winter in appropriate measure and wish to hope and celebrate along with you as we ready ourselves for the warmth of spring.
To avoid the winter blahs I set-up a trip to the Pacific Northwest helped to warm up my artistic soul if not my actual body. As I have a reputation of bringing bad weather with me on tour it was to my delight and chagrin to learn that the bad weather I'd brought was in the form of a drought. Good for me and my travels - bad for everyone else. (So much for my dreams of skiing the Pac NW - no water=no snow.)
I traveled up and down the I-5 from Snowqualmie, WA to Ashland, OR playing shows, visiting friends and putting a heckuva lot of miles on my snow tires. It was all well worth it. When I wasn't playing shows I was catching up with old friends and when I wasn't catching up with old friends I was gazing in awe at the beauty of this country when I wasn;t gazing at the beauty of this land I was writing songs and when I wasn't creating I was downloading apps. (Like the I found for my android phone that let's me digitally record tracks - which means that I can record a melody, bass line, rhythm, harmonies, etc. You'd be surprised how many recordings I have of me trying to breakdown the parts on a single-track [linear] recording device.)
All-in-all it was a great trip (pix and posts are on my facebook page) and I look forward to more touring this year. Next stop - the Southeast!