Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hello My Fine Folk,

A Wondrous, Joyful Holiday blessing to you all!

The snow is here, in spades if you will, and it’s like I’m back in Minnesota with all this mostly fluffy white stuff lying around. However, I know that time spent with my family will warm the winter’s chill from my bones. And I hope that the time you spend with friends, family and loved ones is filled with that warmth as well.

I can’t believe the NEW year is almost here – where the heck did 08 go anyway? I don’t have time right now to do a complete review of ‘Aught Eight’ but suffice it to say it rocked in sooooooo many ways!

To friends who share my laughter and tears
To family with whom I’ve shared all of my years
To loved ones with us and loved ones passed
To those whose grievances cannot last
To all of you who’ve touched my soul
To each of you who makes me whole
I thank you all and wish you Peace
Happy New Year & Merry Solstice!

(ooh it was so close to rhyming...)