Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Thursday, April 02, 2009

April 2, 2009
Where the heck did march go?!? I wasn't that drunk...

But, I can tell you where we did go - - Memphis!
Boo and I got down to some serious traveling when we found ourselves in Memphis, TN for the National Folk Alliance Music and Dance Conference (though, I don't recall seeing much dancing...)

3 days of being completely enrapt (yes, I meant to spell it that way) in music, musicians and the music business - enjoying every minute of it!

(Except for that part where I lost a $100 bill to the Gawds of Fate and Whim - the dirty buggers. My new release, "Memphis Ate My Money" will soon be available on Hard Knocks and Tough Sh*t Records.)

Right. Enough whining - it's only money.

While Boo stayed in the car amassing parking fines and teasing dogs I went off to play a month's worth of music in only 3 days.

The moment I walked into the hotel there was music and mayhem from wall to wall and floor to floor. I met up with old friends, not so old friends, re-kindled friendships and made so many new friends I can't even count!

For a musician this was like Mecca, Heaven and the best music jam, all rolled into one.

I played Me & Bobby Magee while Radoslav Lorkovic provided the piano solo on his accordian. I I believed in Magic when I saw John Sebastian, watched a movie produced by Bela Fleck, listened to Cliff Eberhardt jam with The Nadas and remembered a simpler time with Tret Fure. I watched, I listened and I played and I played and I played...

I had a heckuva good time jamming with my friends from texas, like Hans York and Chad Elliot and then I jammed with folks I met only when I got on stage with them like Spook Handy and Eric Brace and Brad Yoder. Check these people out - folk music has a whole new meaning... and sound.

And as quickly as it had started it was over - Boo and I packed up our things (and tickets) and headed home once more.

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