Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Thursday, June 12, 2014


The other day I turned fifty.  The next day I turned back.

Its hard to wrap my head around that number.  Its difficult to think that I have memories older than I feel.  When it starts to get me down I have to remind myself… it’s just a number, a bookmark.  Besides, there’s no other way I could’ve lived so much life, so much friendship, so much love, so much laughter, so many close calls, so many wonderful, tragic, epic memories. 

So, here’s to the life I’ve lived and the life I have left – which, if I play my cards right, I intend to be even more incredible than the last fifty!


Gayla Drake said...

Happy birthday to you, and many many more even better ones!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Gayla!