Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Spring... wrapped in a Summer inside a El Nino. (or something like that)

It's time to get my brain going and my blog blogging and give Mr Boo something to do besides looking out the windshield.

My plan is to visit and update this blog with greater frequency than I have in the past. Every day? Probably not. But I will post something at least once a month prior to my gig e-minders. So, here goes...

Lojo & Mr Boo's News New Blog-o-lama-ding-dong:

Currently, I'm sitting on the couch in my pajamas and bathrobe trying to figure out what a marketing scheme looks like while "So I Married An Axe Murderer" plays in the background. (SIMAAM is in my top 10 faves). Mr. Boo says, "There's at least 2 things in that sentence that may have something to do with why you suck at marketing."

Shut it, Boo.

OK, the movie's almost over, my gig e-minder is ready to post and I just loaded up a song on Jango. Next is Spotify and Pandora...wish me luck.


Fat Diva In Motion said...

"excuse me??? I ordered a LARGE cappuccino?"...love that flick

yeah to new adventures!!

Unknown said...

Woman. WO - MAN. WHOOOOAAA, man!