Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Monday, September 24, 2012

So... I've been writing.

It’s often said that great emotion is the catalyst for a writer.

I’ve never really believed that until recently.

In the past, my inspirations have usually come from outside of me; landscapes, conversations, television, sometimes just sitting around ‘noodling’ on the guitar and once from a Facebook status update.

However, the recent loss of a good friend has inspired me from the inside.  As much hurt and sorrow as I’ve experienced in the last few weeks I’ve also experienced great joy in remembering all the wonderful experiences we’ve shared.

So, I’ve been writing.

I’ve been writing about memories, about friendship, about loss, about life. I’ve been rewriting music which has been in the works for several years.  And I’ve been abandoning music with messages that no longer seem relevant or important.

The new album will be titled, “No Scars, No Stories”.  

Over the last year I’ve learned just how true this statement is.  And, though many scars happen because of some hurtful or tragic event I’m learning to understand and believe in the positive side of a negative experience.  A perfect example of this is the time I broke the headstock of my guitar – the luthier told me the wood is stronger where it’s been repaired then the surrounding undamaged wood.

It’s not always easy to accept but, the truth of it cannot be denied – we all experience mistakes, hardships and hurts but, it’s how we respond, learn and move forward from those experiences that make us stronger.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Introductions are in order...

It has come to my attention that, now that I’m back into blogging, some of you may not be familiar with my traveling companion, Mr. Boo. 
Seen here as my profile picture -->

Mr. Boo, the Fine Folk. Fine Folk, Mr.Boo.
Now, that the introductions are out of the way how about a little history. 

Mr. Boo and I have been together since – jeez, it’s been so long I don’t even remember how long it’s been.  Suffice it to say – years.

I found Boo while in Madison, Wisconsin with the Fabulous Lorraine. If memory serves we were performing at a SFF convention.  Either I was being a ‘stunt’ Emma for her band “Flash Girls” or FL and I were performing as Moggenaugh (more on that another time) or perhaps it was both.

While on a walk-about Fabulous Lorraine and I stopped into a local retro-candy shop for a little sweet something and there against the front wall was(were?) bins of beanie-babies.  Blech, right?  However, in one of those bins was Mr. Boo.  Well, actually there were a couple dozen Boos - we looked at each other, squealed with gothic delight (is that an oxymoron?) and each bought one.

I named mine, Mr. Boo and immediately placed him on the dashboard of my vehicle.  He’s been there ever since.  Boo has lasted through 4 vehicles and countless thousands of miles and celebrate at the crossing of each state line.  Boo always faces forward - watching the road ahead to make sure the way is clear - always forward.  He listens to me when I’m creating new songs, arguing with the radio, swearing at traffic and mostly, he gives me a little company on those long road trips between gigs and home.  Occasionally, I even talk to Mr. Boo - but with one very important rule – that he never talk back.