Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ring in the New

My, how the time does fly.

I’m sitting here listening to the wind and snow whoosh-about the outside of the house and the furnace and cats whoosh-about the inside of the house and wondering where the hell the year went?

One might assume that a number of things both large and small, both real and surreal, both tragic and triumphant have occurred. And, one would be correct.  

Suffice it to say - the year went.
It went well.  It went fast.  And, I gotta say I had a remarkable time making it go!  So, now what?  What comes next?

Well, Today, one of two things happen: The world comes to an end because the Mayans didn’t consider a future that would last longer than 5200 years OR it marks the Solstice when the coming days slowly but inexorably grow longer as the sun returns and each day’s light lasts a little longer.

Well, I prefer beginnings to endings.

Today I will Begin.  I begin to think about the days and months ahead and all the beginnings that I have to look forward to - like…
  Working with my long-time friend, Adam, for the first time as co-producers to create my new CD, No Scars, No Stories. (Click this link for a free song demo)
  Discovering the music within me seemingly and continually  re-shaping and re-creating itself so late in my career.
  Encountering new friends and fans that I have yet to meet.
    Experiencing new memories that will be created and shared with the friends and the family that I have right now.

Upon the eve of this brilliant beginning I hope that you all take my love and my gratitude into your own beginning for I have carried yours with me all the days before and will carry it with me into the New.   #==OQ

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