Lojo's Proze & Mr Boo's Newz

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Studio notes...con't


The album is in the proverbial “can”. An old-fashioned expression (somewhat appropriate given my predilection to referring to it as an “album”) for an old-fashioned album full of old-fashioned music.

I must admit I found myself, on more than one occasion, performing dance style’s that were popular in the 60’s; the Twist, the Mashed Potato, and even a subdued Bob Fossy-ish mincing about.  Which may be indicative to what we’ve created over these last few months.

As we listened to the final cut getting mixed I couldn't help but hear the pop-ish folk/roots rock of the 60s and 70s.  The songs overall are an amalgam of genre’s, some old and familiar, some new and untested, some twisted and reformed into a piece that I could not recognize when I first wrote the song.

Whatever it is that has been wrought twixt the artist and the digital canvas it’s safe to say I’m diggin’ the hell out of it.

I have thanked all of you for your support of this project and now it’s time to thank the people who made it come to life like I never could.

Adam Stemple – my good friend and co-producer of this album. His experience, attention to detail and keen sense of what sounds good and what doesn’t was an indispensable asset and testament to how good an album can be if you have the right people.

Leo Whitebird – a man I’ve known for many years and who I now can count as a true friend.  I’ve worked on side projects with Leo in the past and knew him to be an engineer in every sense of the word. Leo was the gear piece that kept Adam and I moving ever forward. He really knows what he’s doing and I couldn’t have done it without him.

Jennell Bergwall – she has been the architect of the visual aspect of this project to help focus and meld what one see’s to what one hears.  She’s been a good friend to me these past few years in building my website and creating the album art for this and my last album.

Through it all these people have shown me patience, assistance, reason, thoughtfulness and above all proved that they are just as vested in creating a solid, powerful work of art as I am.

Now begins the myriad and sometimes tedious tiny details that go into post-production.  I shan’t boor you with the details but suffice it to say we’re not out of the woods yet but I can see the sunshine thru the trees.

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